2010 and 2011 Goals Review
2010-1. Focus more on being healthy and eating smaller portions rather than the number on the scale. But I also wanted to add that I will not look at the scale as my enemy. I need to use the scale as a tool, a means to the end rather than just the end.
Well, I'm still a bit scared of the scale, but I'm not dreading it as much as I used to. I'm definitely learning to use it as a tool just to monitor the fluctuations in my efforts.
2010-2. Learn to let go and move away from things that might be holding me back.
A huge part of this is recognizing what is holding me back, and perhaps moving away from it before I get in too deep.
It took me most of 2011 to figure this one out. Looking at this goal, I know that staying with my ex was really holding me back. So now I've broken free from that unhealthy relationship, and I'm more open to other possibilities in my life.
2011-1. Get a full-time job that I feel excited and passionate about.
Got a job that I'm super excited and passionate about!! But it's not full-time. I'm hoping that this is just the repercussions of the bad economy, and that a full-time job or at least full-time hours is in my near future. I have a feeling that it is.
2011-2. Go to Mexico with the Goddesses in October!
The trip was changed to Vegas. ACCOMPLISHED!
2011-3. Learn how to budget and handle my finances better.
Alas, this was one that I neglected. Completely neglected.
2011-4. Move into a new (and slightly larger) apartment or remove larger pieces of furniture from this apartment to make it seem more roomy.
Moved into a new and definitely larger apartment and definitely got rid of larger pieces of furniture from my life. ACCOMPLISHED!
2011-5. Relearn basic conversational Tagalog and Spanish.
I was doing really good in the beginning of the year when I still had all the time in the world. I'm going to keep this as a constant goal.
Are you ready to see my 2012 list? Here it is!
2012 Goals
1. Seriously learn how to budget and handle my finances better.
2. Reach my 30th birthday at least a little lighter, physically, emotionally, and mentally - including learning how to lessen the busyness in my life.
3. Visit the ocean even more than I did in 2011.
4. Learn to cook and bake at least 2 new items.
5. Make more music and dance more.
2011 was a really tough year. It was full of disappointments, endings, and broken promises. I'm really hoping the 2012 will bring only amazing experiences, especially since I'm turning 30 this year.
But, since I'm not one to just let things happen on their own, I'm planning to seek out a better new year every time I open my eyes in the morning.
Happy New Year To You and Yours!!!

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Well, hello there! What's on your mind?