Sunday, August 21, 2011

Beach Day - Nantasket and Nahant Beaches

Well, these last couple weeks of August have been quite unpredictable and unfortunately not as beautiful.  Though the rain is a nice relief from the humidity, its timing couldn't be any worse.  It rained on a Wednesday a couple of weeks ago, and it interfered with the summer program's beach day.

But on Friday, August 12th, the summer program made it's way to Nantasket Beach, in Hull.  I was looking forward to slightly warmer waters, even though it's still close to the Boston area.

The way the beach area is set up, there's a boardwalk that's raised above the actual beach area.  Since it's a thin stretch of land, it's possible that the concrete wall really helped to ensure that the high tide wouldn't overtake the boardwalk.

The water was also really not as bad as it could have been, though we arrived at really high tide.  It was still a tad bit colder than I would have liked, and yet it was really manageable.  I didn't get to explore the area that much since I had to stay with the kids, but it looks like a nice place to revisit.
Decent beaches in the Boston area
The next day, a friend and I went to Nahant Beach, on the opposite side of the Boston area bay.  The area that the public beach is located on is also another thin stretch of land and isn't too far from the city.  On this day, perhaps because we got there later in the afternoon, the tide was extremely low.  We walked quite a bit to get close enough to the water.
the shore and me
I'd have to say that I appreciate beaches with bath houses.  It's nice to not have to worry about restrooms and changing rooms.

At Nahant, the water was surprisingly not bad for being more north of the city.  It was also fairly shallow for quite a while.  At one point, I noticed some interesting debris in the water.  I thought it was small bits of seaweed, but as I looked closer I realized that whatever it was had legs and it looked like many of them were swimming towards me.  I quickly ran out of the water for fear of being overtaken by a bunch of little creatures.

I asked my friend to come out into the water with me just to get a second opinion on what the little creatures were.  She said that perhaps they were baby shrimp or other crustacean.  I felt a little bit better about having possibly identified them.  Then she said, "Hmm...well...I think I might have just gotten bitten."  I quickly turned around again and made my way out of the water.

I don't know if it was just the specific time of the year or what, but there are little creatures at Nahant Beach.  Otherwise, the water and the beach are really nice.
houses on Nahant
It was great to be out on the water for 2 days in a row.  I haven't had the pleasure of doing something like this since last year at Santorini.  It's also great to know that there are some decent beaches in the Boston area, and that I don't have to travel too far to get to them.

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