Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So Long Sweet Summer

This is the final day of Summer.  I'm a bit saddened by it, honestly.  But, I have to say, this has been quite a successful summer.

On the 1st of July, I listed my 8 Things that I planned to do this summer.  I got 7 out of 8, which really wasn't too bad.  Though, I'm still trying to figure out how to accomplish that 8th goal.  The following is a review of my successes.
1. Watched fireworks on the 4th of July
2. Absorbed some Vitamin D on the beaches of Santorini
3. Sang my heart out at karaoke in Greece and in Boston
4. Listened to live music via live bands several times in Greece
5. Watched "I Love You Philip Morris" in Athens
6. Was mesmerized by the bonfire at the Quarry Hill
All Night Costume Dance Party.  So mesmerized,
in fact, that I managed to convince someone to jump
over the fire naked.

7. I miss my best friend a lot.  We're both extremely busy and extremely poor.
But hopefully I will see her soon.

8. Floated in the Mediterranean Ocean,
and loved every salty second of it.
So, so long, sweet Summer.  Thank you for being so wonderful.

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Well, hello there! What's on your mind?

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