When the holidays arrive, I get extremely homesick.
Even after the holidays, when the snow settles in blocks of sludge on street corners and my breath proceeds my every step, bicoastal living doesn't seem as attractive.
Things are just..very different. When I look at pictures of my family, I can't help but feel this slight ache at not being part of the pictures. Family here in Boston is just...very different.
But, I am thankful that I am not alone. I am thankful for those that do surround me.
I am thankful for the love and the sweet potatoes and the pies.
Thanksgiving 2006:

Veggie Thanksgiving with L...followed by dessert and kitties.
Thanksgiving 2008:

Things are just..very different. When I look at pictures of my family, I can't help but feel this slight ache at not being part of the pictures. Family here in Boston is just...very different.
But, I am thankful that I am not alone. I am thankful for those that do surround me.
I am thankful for the love and the sweet potatoes and the pies.
Thanksgiving 2006:
At the Fort Hill/PPP Household with my Ex-Pat Boston loves (P, S, R, J&A).
Thanksgiving 2007:
Veggie Thanksgiving with L...followed by dessert and kitties.
Thanksgiving 2008:
First New England Thanksgiving...dinner at 1pm!
And then more Thanksgiving dinner on Friday!
Featuring a visit to L, a doggie, a kitty, and a hilarious test.
Thanksgiving 2009:
Rambunctious and hilarious step-nieces and step-nephews...
Chased by 2x2x2 pies (2 servings of 2 types of pies on 2 different days)
Like I said...there are many things I miss, but I am very thankful for all that I've had.
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